Many people rely on a mug of coffee in the morning to get their day started. The burst of caffeine can really put some extra pep in your step! If you’re recuperating from a tooth extraction, though, it’s important to remember that there are some things that can hinder your healing. Unfortunately, a hot cup of joe is one of them! Keep reading to learn why you should avoid drinking it until your recovery is complete.
Does Coffee Impact Healing After An Extraction?
One common complication that develops after having a tooth extracted is dry socket. In an ideal world, a blood clot forms over the site where your dentist pulled your pearly white. This protects the sensitive underlying nerves and bone tissue by keeping the wound closed off. If for some reason it falls out, those vulnerable spots are left exposed. This can both cause discomfort as well as slow down healing.
Hot food and beverages (including coffee) can prevent a blood clot from forming properly. They can even displace one that’s already formed! Not only that, but the caffeine content causes blood vessels to enlarge, which results in increased bleeding. That means there’s a higher chance of dislodging the blood clot.
When Can I Drink Coffee Again?
If you really miss that daily dose of caffeine, you’re not alone! Many patients wonder how long they should wait before they indulge in their next cup of joe. Generally, you should stay away from anything hot for at least 48 hours. Your dentist may provide different information, though, so it’s imperative that you follow their instructions post-procedure. Many recommend that you wait at least 5 full days.
There’s good news for fans of cold brew, though! You may be allowed to drink cool beverages after 24 hours. You might even find that the cold liquid provides a temporary reprieve from any residual aching.
After a couple of weeks, you should be mostly healed and can probably safely enjoy your favorite caffeinated beverages as usual, regardless of temperature.
What’s Safe to Consume After A Tooth Extraction?
You might be wondering what is safe to enjoy while waiting for that blissful cup of coffee. Some recommendations for what you can eat and drink include:
- Water. It’s important to stay hydrated, especially after a surgical treatment. Don’t drink from a straw for 24 hours or you risk dry socket.
- Soft and bland foods like eggs, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, and yogurt. These are easy to consume and won’t irritate the area.
If you’re experiencing consistent or increasing pain at the extraction site, call your dentist. They can provide you with more information (and possible additional medications) to address dry socket if it has developed.
It can be hard to wait before treating yourself to coffee after a pearly white gets pulled, but it’s worth it to avoid the potential complications. Give your mouth a chance to fully recover so that you have peace of mind knowing you can safely enjoy your next hot cup of coffee!
About the Author
Dr. J. Darrell Steele is an accomplished oral surgeon with decades of experience. He attended dental school at Baylor College of Dentistry, then underwent oral and maxillofacial surgery residency. That makes him an expert at more intensive treatments like extractions and implants. If you are experiencing pain following a tooth extraction, he can help! You’re welcome to request a consultation on the website or by calling (972) 315-3355.