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Optimizing Your Lifestyle for Dental Implant Health

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 12:48 pm
A couple preparing a healthy meal to support their dental implants

For people with chronic oral health problems, life with dental implants is a lot easier than life without them. After you become accustomed to the prosthetic, you can almost forget it’s there. Your implants can drastically increase your quality of life, but they’re not indestructible.

Some of your daily habits could be affecting them in ways you can’t see. Read on to explore these habits and ways you can adjust your lifestyle to extend their life.

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What to Expect While Recovering from Dental Bone Grafting

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 10:04 pm
X-Ray highlights human jawbone

Dental implants allow patients with lost teeth to once more enjoy a compete and beautiful smile, but they need enough tissue to work with to be securely placed. In some cases where a patient does not have enough bone mass to support an implant, the dentist might recommend bone grafting to create a strong foundation by reinforcing the jaw. While dental implants are worth the effort, bone grafting does require some time to heal. Read on to learn what the recovery period is like and how to manage it.

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6 Reasons Why You May Need a Tooth Extraction

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 3:06 am
person at dentist undergoing tooth extraction

During a biannual checkup and cleaning, your dentist discovered an issue with one of your teeth, leading to the decision to remove it. While having a tooth pulled is not an ideal situation, there are several reasons why it may be necessary to preserve your oral health and avoid further problems. Read on to explore six common reasons for tooth extraction and gain insights into the procedure.

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Services You Could Need Before Getting Dental Implants

May 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 4:44 pm
A dental patient holding a dental implant model

If you’re missing a few teeth, you might want to try dental implants. These prosthetics happen to be the gold standard for tooth replacement. However, there’s something you should know: treatment candidates must meet certain criteria. To qualify, then, you may need preliminary work before getting dental implants. Luckily, your Coppell dentist can further explain things. Read on to learn why implants have requirements and the services you may need before treatment.

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Can I Replace My Front Teeth with Dental Implants?

April 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 5:59 pm
a patient receiving dental implants in Coppell

Have you lost or broken one or some of your pearly whites? If you want the most effective and long-lasting option for replacing them, then dental implants may be the ideal solution. They can provide the stability you need to enjoy a full and functional smile for several decades to a lifetime with proper care! However, you may be wondering if this is possible for teeth that are at the front of your smile. Keep reading to learn how dental implants can still be viable for replacing front teeth and the benefits you can expect from this treatment.  

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Will Everyone Get Wisdom Teeth?

March 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 2:09 pm
person wondering if everyone has wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last molars to erupt. If you’re in your twenties and have not had your wisdom teeth come in yet, you may be wondering if you’ll ever get them. Does everyone have wisdom teeth? Continue reading to learn whether it’s possible to never have your last set of molars come in, how to know if you have yours, and why they often have to be removed.

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What Makes the Dental Implant Treatment So Successful?

February 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 10:16 pm
a dentist presenting a model of a dental implant

If you’re struggling with moderate to severe tooth loss, then you’re likely looking for a restoration option that’s both reliable and long-lasting. While there are many treatments you can choose from, none can provide the comprehensive results that dental implants offer. But what exactly makes these titanium posts so successful in the long run? Keep reading to learn about a few essential factors that allow dental implants to have a success rate as high as 95%.  

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Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

January 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 6:00 pm
diagram of a wisdom tooth

The holiday season is over, and if you’re like most people, you might have been given a gift you want nothing to do with. Getting rid of something that you don’t want, can be a little bit of a headache.

If you’re a young adult, you might also be dealing with nature’s unwanted gift: wisdom teeth. This tooth can just sprout up one day, contributing nothing and only causing discomfort. Your dentist will probably recommend extracting it before it becomes a problem, but once that’s done, then you’re left with aftercare.

In the days after your wisdom tooth extraction, you’ll have to be a little careful about what you eat. Here are a few foods you need to look out for, and why they can be an issue.

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All-On-4 Dental Implants: What to Expect During Recovery

December 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 7:52 am
a digital replica of all-on-4 dental-implants

Dental implants are one of the most reliable, lifelike, and durable tooth replacement options. They are connected directly to the jawbone using titanium, biocompatible steel posts. Unlike other restorations, they replicate your natural teeth, from root to crown. In the past, dental implants could only be installed on a one-to-one basis, meaning one implant was used for each tooth. But now, with the advancement of dental technology, it is possible to support multiple teeth with fewer implant posts. In fact, an entire arch of teeth can be replaced with just four implants located in key parts of your jaw! This procedure is called All-On-4. Here’s what to expect during recovery for your restored smile.

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How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

November 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — darrellsteele @ 4:32 pm
senior man brushing his teeth

Are you searching for the best way to bring back your missing teeth? Dental implants are the closest option to having your original pearly whites back. Instead of sitting on your gums or remaining teeth, dental implants are anchored in the jaw. Not only does this make them feel natural and always stay in place, but they can also last for much, much longer than regular dentures and dental bridges. But just how long do dental implants last? Keep reading to learn the answer!

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